Our curriculum is designed and delivered to provide our children with solid foundations for their future rooted in developing literacy skills. Our 4 stage pedagogy used in each imaginative learning project is built on academic research and years of teaching experience in our team. We call it the four cornerstones: Engage Develop Innovate Express.
We hook the children in with a memorable experience to start a topic.
This could be a visit from Cruella de Vil in our Heroes and Villains topic, a visit to the park in Mighty Metals or dissecting hearts in Blood Heart. This experience sets the scene and provides a context for the learning to come. We ask questions to find out the children's interests and provoke curiosity by using interesting starting points.
In this stage of each interactive learning project we teach knowledge to provide depth of understanding.
We demonstrate new skills and allow time for consolidation while providing creative opportunities for doing and making. The most crucial part of this stage is the delivery of reading, writing and talking opportunities across the curriculum.
We provide imaginative scenarios that provoke children's thinking.
We enable and assess children's application of previously learned skills. This could involve children taking on the role of a tour guide to share their learning on American States with 'tourists' in Road Trip to USA or launching a rocket into Space in Stargazers. Enterprise and independent thinking is encouraged while providing opportunities for collaborative working and problem solving.
Opportunities are created for children to express what they have learned.
This may be through reflective talk, celebration assemblies, shared evaluation or parents invited to displays. Next steps for learning are considered here too.
SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural Education)
SMSC education is at the heart of our school curriculum. Click here to see how it is interwoven into everything we do.
Our SMSC Policy describes SMSC at Headfield in more detail.
Click on the Learning toolbar of our website and select the appropriate year group to see what your child will be studying in their year group.
Year Group Interactive Learning Projects
These tables shows which interactive learning projects will be studied in each half term. Each project follows our four cornerstones pedagogy Engage, Develop, Innovate and Express. Click on the interactive learning project titles below. The information sheets in the links are sent home at the start of each half term so families can see what their children are learning.
Year 3
Half Term | Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Interactive Learning Project | Heroes & Villains | Mighty Metals | Gods & Mortals |
Stone Age to Iron Age |
Year 4
Half Term | Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Interactive Learning Project | Potions | I am a Warrior | Road Trip to USA | Blue Abyss | Burps, Bottoms & Bile | Traders & Raiders |
Year 5
Half Term | Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Interactive Learning Project | Pharaohs | Allotment | Peasants, Princes & Pestilence |
Year 6
Half Term | Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 & Spring 1 |
Spring 1 & Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Interactive Learning Project | Blood Heart | Frozen Kingdom | A Child's War | ID | Hola Mexico! |