Headfield CE Junior School

Governing body

School governors are people who want to make a positive contribution to children's education.

Governors are one of the largest volunteer forces in the country and have an important part to play in raising school standards.

The role of the governing body is absolutely key to the effectiveness of a school. Governors are supported by the Local Authority who provides information and regular training.

If you are interested in becoming a school governor at Headfield, please do get in touch with our Headteacher Mrs Brown on 01924 463193 or email her on office.headfield@kirkleeseducation.uk .

The governing body's responsibilities are to:

  • Ensure high standards of achievement for all children and young people in the school.
  • Help set the school's vision and aims.
  • Review and agree policies that the school has written
  • Help the school make good use of resources.
  • Monitor the school's performance.
  • Provide support and challenge to the Headteacher in managing the school.

Governors can be contacted via the school office.

Full governing body meetings at Headfield are held once every half term as are Finance Committee meetings.

School Governors

  • The school has 9 governors.
  • The Chair of Governors is Mrs Debra Allen
  • The Vice-Chair of Governors is Mrs Shazia Rasheed
  • The Clerk to the Governing Body is Naomi Bell

Address for correspondence:

Chair of Governors
c/o Headfield C E (C) Junior School
Vicarage Road
Thornhill Lees
WF12 9PD

The Governors & their responsibilities are:



Term of Office

Committees & Links

Foundation Governor

(Chair of Governors)

Mrs Debra Allen




Finance & Resources Committee

School Development Priority (Personal Development)

SEND Governor

Wellbeing Governor (Staff & Pupils)

Headteacher Appraisal Committee

Co-opted Governor

(Vice-Chair of Governors)

Mrs Shazia Rasheed


(Appointee Mrs Debra Allen)


Safeguarding & Child Protection Governor

Looked After Children Governor 

Headteacher Appraisal Committee

School Development Priority (Behaviour & Attitudes)

Staff Governor

Mr Ryan Ellis


Finance & Resources Committee

School Development Priority (Quality of Education)

Play Champion

 LEA Governor


Mr Toseef Hussain 


(Appointee Mrs Debra Allen)


Headteacher Appraisal Committee

Finance & Resources Committee

Premium Link, Sports Premium & Attendance Governor

Website Compliance Governor

School Development Priority (Leadership & Management)

Safeguarding & Child Protection Governor


Mrs Louise Brown


Start: 1.9.15

Governor Training Contact

Finance & Resources Committee

Co-opted Governor

Mrs Ayesha Seemab


(Appointee Mrs Debra Allen)


Equality Governor

SEND Governor

Co-opted (staff) Governor

Mrs Donna Johnson


(Appointee Mrs Debra Allen)


Finance & Resources Committee



Foundation Governor




Parent Governor

Mr Atif Asif



Parent Governor

Ms Summayah Hussain



Declaration of Business Interests

  • Mrs Debra Allen - None recorded - Nil return - 27.11.23
  • Mr Toseef Hussain - None Recorded - Nil return - 20.10.24
  • Mrs Louise Brown- None recorded - Nil return - 17.07.23
  • Mrs Shazia Rasheed - None recorded - Nil return - 10.10.23
  • Mr Ryan Ellis - None recorded - Nil return - 11.9.23
  • Mr Liam Ryan - None recorded - Nil return - 27.9.23
  • Mrs Rebecca Miller - None recorded - Nil return - 2.7.24
  • Mrs Emma Kendall - None recorded - Nil return - 7.9.23
  • Mrs Ayesha Seemab - None recorded - Nil return - 5.7.23
  • Miss Kerry Holl - KT Shirts & Signs - 14.9.23
  • Miss Shona Cavanagh - Dreams & Ambitions - 7.9.23
  • Mrs Donna Johnson - The Landlord Shop - 15.9.23
  • Mr Asif Atif
  • Ms Summayah Hussain

 Attendance at Full Governors Meetings 


Term of office 

21.10.24 25.11.24 27.1.25 17.3.25 12.5.25 30.6.25

Mrs D. Allen (Chair)

 22.12.22 to 21.12.26

Yes Yes Yes

Mr T. Hussain




Yes Yes Yes

Mrs L. Brown


Yes Yes Yes

Mrs S. Rasheed

11.7.23 to 10.7.27

Yes No Yes

Mr R. Ellis

15.3.21 to 14.3.25

Yes Yes Yes


Mrs A Seemab

 3.7.23 to 2.7.27

Yes Yes Yes


Mrs D Johnson

6.3.23 to 5.3.27

No No No


Mr Atif Asif




Ms Summayah Hussain




Finance Committee Attendees


21.10.24   9.12.24 10.2.25 31.3.25 19.5.25 16.6.25

Mrs D. Allen (Chair)

Yes Meeting not held

Mrs L. Brown


Mrs E. Kendall(SBM)


Mrs R. Miller (DHT)


Mr R. Ellis


Mr L. Ryan (Site Manager)


Head Teacher Appraisal Attendees 


23rd October 2024

Mrs Debra Allen (Chair) 


Mrs Shazia Rasheed


Mr Toseef Hussain 


Mrs Louise Brown


Mr Rupert Madeley (Diocese)


Governor Allowances Policy

Governor Visits Policy

Governors Code of Conduct

DFE Governance Handbook